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Communicate 1, 2 & Motivate 1, 2

                                                                                                           SB: 16,000원
                                                                                                           WB: 7,000원


                                       Communicate 1, 2                             Motivate 1, 2 

                                                    기초레벨을 위한 코스북 시리즈!

                         CEFR     -       CEFR     -                         구성                 1                        2                       1                        2
                                                                                 한 Unit에 3개의 Warm-Up 배치. 해당 Unit의 매 대화문
                                                                       Warm-Up   전에 Warm-Up을 배치하여 학생들이 Target Language를
                          대상: 중등 - 대학·일반                                         먼저 연습해 볼 수 있도록 하였다.
                          Units: 15 (6 pages / unit)
                          교재 구성: Student Book, Workbook               In Context  한 Unit에 2개의 In context 대화문 배치. 11명의 캐릭터가
                                                                                 시리즈 전체의 대화문에 등장하며, 모든 대화문의 내용이
                          홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Syllabus, TG, ETC                 연속적으로 전개되는 것이 특징이다.
                                                                        Word     주어진 그림과 키워드를 통해 Target language 및 응용
                                                                       Building  표현을 연습하도록 되어 있다.
                        ◆  레벨에 따라 초급은 Communicate 1, 2, 고급은           Controlled
                          Motivate 1, 2로 이름을 달리하여 구분 (전 4권 시리즈)        Practice  샘플 그림과 예문을 본 후, 문제로 주어진 그림들에 맞는
                                                                                 문장 만들기 연습을 해본다.
                        ◆ 각 권 지문의 길이와 문법, 어휘에 차등화를 두어 난이도 조절
                                                                                 다양한 가상의 인물들이 등장하는 유머러스한 내용의
                        ◆  실용적이고 흥미로운 토픽, 여러 유명 작가의 다양한               Follow-Up  대화문을 통해 Target Language가 대화에서 어떻게
                          일러스트 사용                                                사용되는지 마지막으로 점검할 수 있다.
                        ◆  모든 Speaking 연습 부분은 샘플 예시가 주어지며,          Communication   교실에서 다양하게 활용할 수 있는 세 개의 액티비티로,
                          충분히 연습할 수 있는 기회 제공                           Activities  편안하고 재미있는 분위기에서 Target Language를
                                                                                 연습해볼 기회를 제공한다.
                        ◆ 교실에서 팀 별로 Interactive하게 활용할 수 있는 섹션
                                                                                 지금까지 배운 어휘와 문법을 활용하여 문제를 풀어보며
                        ◆   http://Communicate-Motivate.com을 통해 자세한    Review    정리. 해당 Unit을 포함하여 이제까지 배운 모든 Unit의
                                                                                 내용이 누적되어, 전체적으로 복습할 수 있다.
                          가이드 및 보조자료 제공

                        • Communicate 1                                  • Motivate 1

                             Unit  I Can Speak French                      Unit  What Are You Doing These Days?
                          11                    Warm Up  Making Plans      See the activity descriptions from page 112.  1  Warm Up  Gossip About Famous People      See the activity descriptions from page 102.
                             Can—Ability & Possibility  Let’s play soccer on Saturday.  Meeting a Friend  I heard that the president
                                                                                                   bought a new dog.
                                                        I’m sorry, I can’t on                                 Really! What kind of dog?
                                  See the activity descriptions from page 112.  Saturday, but I can   See the activity descriptions from page 102.
                         Warm Up  Pairwork Questions      on Sunday.       Warm Up  Catching Up with News
                                                                                                    I think it’s a
                           What sports can you play?                          Hello. What are you
                                   I can play soccer                          doing these days?
                                   and tennis.                                          I’m studying hard
                                                                                        for my exams. How
                           What can you cook?                                           about you?
                                                     TRACK                  I’m still working as a lawyer, but   TRACK
                                    I can make a very   I’m Sorry, I Can’t      32  I’m playing a lot of tennis, as well.  That’s Great News!      2
                                    good omelet.
                                                  Marc: Hello.                                    Sachiko:   I’m looking forward to seeing
                                                 Sachiko: Hi, Marc! It’s me, Sachiko.              everybody again.
                         I Can’t Swim      TRACK  Let’s go to a movie this afternoon!  It’s Good to See You Again      TRACK 1  Michelle:  Yes, me too.
                              31                                                                  Sachiko:   I heard that Paula and Andy got
                          M arc:  I can speak French, German, Italian,     Marc: I’m sorry, I can’t.   Michelle:   Hello, Sachiko. It’s good to see you   married.
                                                 Sachiko: Well, let’s have dinner tonight!
                           and a little English!                                     again. What are you doing       Michelle:   a t’s great news!
                           And I can play a lot of sports, too.    Marc:  No, I can’t meet you tonight!   these days?   Sachiko:   But Manuel and Carmen aren’t
                             I can play baseball, basketball,    Sachiko:  Are you all right?   Sachiko:  I’m still working as a stewardess.  speaking to each other.
                           tennis, badminton, and a lot of                           How about you?  Michelle:   a t’s not surprising!
                           other sports.          Marc: No, I feel terrible.        Michelle:  I’m still an exchange student.
                           Carmen:  a t’s great!   Sachiko: Oh dear!               Sachiko:  Are you enjoying it?
                          Manuel: Can you swim?                                     Michelle:   Not very much. I’m thinking of
                          M arc: Yes, I’m a very good swimmer!                       going back to Switzerland.
                           . . . . No! Help!
                          M arc:  Help! I can’t swim!
                          Personalization       e students ask what friends or famous people can do.   Personalization    In pairs, A suggests what to do together for the next seven days. B refuses each time.  Personalization    Students ask what friends or famous people are doing these days.
                          Example:  A: What sports can Tom play?        B: I think he can play golf and tennis.   Example:  A: Let’s go to a movie on Monday.  B: I’m sorry, I can’t on Monday.  Example:   A: What’s . . . doing these days?        Personalization       e students exchange real or imaginary gossip about people around them.
                             A: What languages can he speak?    B: I think he can speak English and French.     A: Let’s play volleyball on Tuesday.  B: I’m sorry, I can’t on Tuesday.  B: I think she’s working in India.  Example:  I heard that . . . has a new boyfriend. He works in an o‚  ce near here. I heard he’s very rich.
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