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Grammar Success 1-3

                                                                                                      정가   SB: 12,000원
                                                                                                           WB: 4,000원      GRAMMAR


                                        Student Book                                   Writing Workbook 

                                               말하고 쓸 수 있는 실용적인 문법 교재!

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                                                             ◆ 한눈에 들어오는 문법표로 명확한 개념 이해!
                           대상: 초등 고급 - 중등 중급
                           Units: 16 (4 pages / unit)        ◆ 풍부한 이미지를 통해 학습한 문법을 시각적으로 정리!
                           교재 구성: Student Book, Workbook     ◆ 간단한 액티비티부터 점차 난이도를 높여가는 점진적 심화 연습 문제 풀이!
                           홈페이지 제공: Answer Key, Review Test,  ◆ 문법의 실용적 활용을 강조! 가이드가 제시된 말하기 및 쓰기 액티비티 수록!
                           Midterm Test, Final Test, TG,     ◆ 앞부분에서 학습하지 않은 문법 개념은 다루지 않는 엄격히 컨트롤 된 액티비티!
                           Assessment, Tips & Ideas
                                                             ◆ Review: 다양한 쓰기 문제로 핵심 문법 다지기! (매 4개 Unit별 제공)

                        • Grammar Success 1                                          • Writing Workbook

                             T T T
                             Types of Nounsypes of Nounsypes of Nounsypes of Nouns  More Practicee Practice  Types of Nounsypes of Nouns
                                                       Circle the correct types of nouns. Circle the correct
                          Gr Grammar Rulesammar Rules    1.  plate   (common noun / proper noun)  Practice
                                                      2.  Chicago   (proper noun / common noun)
                           Common Nouns vs. Proper Nouns    3.  stone   (concrete noun / abstract noun)
                           A noun is a person, place, thing, or animal. There are different kinds of nouns.     4.  Germany   (common noun / proper noun)  Challenge     Write the correct words from the box.   More Practicee Practice
                                Most nouns are common nouns. Common nouns are general things.   Cir Circle the correct types for the underlined nouns and rewrite them correctly.ctlycle the correct type
                              Example     boy, city, book, tiger      Look at the table. Then, write the words in the correct boxes.Look at the tabl    5.  success   (concrete noun / abstract noun)  tiger           library   Steve   joy     Write examples of the different kinds of nouns.  Write examples
                                                                                           King Kong
                                Proper nouns are specific names. Proper nouns always start with capital letters.    6.  calendar   (proper noun / common noun)      Types of nouns   Correct words
                                       Common Nouns vs. Proper Nouns
                              Example     Sam, Paris, Eiffel Tower, Monday, Godzilla  Things    7.  hate   (concrete noun / abstract noun)  1.  The Book is on the table.   (common / proper)  ____________________     Proper Nouns  Common Nouns
                                            People   Places     8.  Internet  Animals  (abstract noun / concrete noun)  Concrete Nouns  1.  person Abstract Nouns
                                       Common Nouns doctor  park  chocolate  lion  2.  Amy feels Happiness right now.   (concrete / abstract)  ____________________
                             Common Nouns  Proper Nouns  teacher  hospital  paper    9.  milk   deer  (common noun / proper noun)     People   Places   Things   Animals 2.  place anger
                                                                                                   3.  thing
                                       Proper Nouns  Jason  Greece  Apollo  10.  tissue    (concrete noun / abstract noun)  3.  They are in the Library.   (common / proper)  ____________________  Common   pilot  __________  flower  __________ 4.  animal
                                                                                       Nouns        __________
                                                                4.  The Students walk to the house.  (concrete / abstract)  ____________________  __________  house  _________  monkey  5.  concrete noun
                            boy  kitchen  Jim  China school  King Kong  singer  clock  telephone  king  5.  The Eiffel Tower is in paris.   (common / proper)  ____________________  Proper   __________  Boston  Big Ben  Godzilla  6.  abstract noun
                                        China  bird  Steve  Tuesday  monkey  Seoul     Nouns  Napoleon  __________  __________  __________
                                                       Write the words in the correct boxes.  6.  He meets jennifer.  (concrete / abstract)  ____________________
                                            People   Places   Things  stapler  Animals  mountain  7.  She speaks four Languages.   (common / proper)  ____________________
                            notebook  cat  Titanic  Common Nouns  aunt  bear  Canada
                                                    Brooklyn Bridge weakness  lake  Paul  8.  I like apple Pie.  (concrete / abstract)  ____________________     Circle the correct words.     Look at the words in the story and write at least one noun in each category.
                                       Proper Nouns  Mary January  cheetah  Godzilla  president  New York    1.  anger     (abstract noun / concrete noun) Brad is my brother. He has a pet bird, Polly. They go to the park. It feels joy.
                           Concrete Nouns vs. Abstract Nouns  victory  friendship  King Kong  giraffe  courage    2.  California     (common noun / proper noun) Brad has a computer. He uses the Internet. He sends an email to his friend Mike
                           Nouns can be concrete or abstract.   P Pair Workair Work                in  New  York  City.  Mike  tells  Brad  about  the  Empire  State  Building.  They  feel
                                                    nurse  Jason  zoo  joy  card          3.  duck     (abstract noun / concrete noun)
                                Concrete nouns are things you can see and touch.  Work with a partner. Practice naming the different kinds of nouns.  excitement. He is a good brother. He lets me use his computer. He lets me play
                              Example     girl, rock, paper                               4.  The Eiffel Tower     (common noun / proper noun) with Polly, too.
                                                                Abstract Nouns
                                Abstract nouns are ideas, feelings, and qualities.     Look at the table. Then, write the words in the correct boxes.  Concrete Nouns  Writing  Write examples of the different kinds of nouns listed.    5.  boat     (common noun / proper noun)
                              Example     trust, fear, happiness, Internet  Concrete Nouns vs. Abstract Nouns     People   Places   Things   Animals 1.  place (common noun)   ________________________________    6.  Jenny     (common noun / proper noun)  Concrete Nouns  Abstract Nouns

                                          Concrete Nouns   Abstract Nouns  2.  person (proper noun)         ________________________________    7.  pizza     (abstract noun / concrete noun)  People   Places   Things   Animals
                             Concrete Nouns  Abstract Nouns table  water  bird  anger  beauty  stress  3.  thing (proper noun)     ________________________________    8.  friendship     (abstract noun / concrete noun)
                                       chair  house  tree  luck  happiness  loneliness  4.  animal (common noun)   ________________________________   Nouns
                                                   Nouns       5.  concrete noun    ________________________________     9.  brother     (common noun / proper noun)
                                                               6.  abstract noun    ________________________________      Proper
                                        sand  sadness  book  fear  ruler  knife           10.  eraser     (abstract noun / concrete noun)
                            bird  pen  love  happiness          Speaking                           Nouns
                                        hate  paper  love  pencil  peace  trust  Take turns saying out loud examples of the different kinds of nouns.
                         6                        8            1.  person (common noun)     2
                                           Concrete Nouns   Abstract Nouns  2.  place (proper noun)   Example: thing (common noun)
                                                               3.  thing (common noun)  Student A: thing (common noun)
                                                               4.  concrete noun      Student B: spoon
                                                               5.  abstract noun
                                                        7                        9                                  3
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