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New Frontiers 1-6

                                                                                                      정가   SB: 18,000원
                                                                                                           WB: 7,000원      CONVERSATION


                         *  미국 영어 버전, 영국 영어 버전 별도 판매

                                       십대 학습자를 위한 흥미진진한 새로운 코스북 시리즈!

                                            이제 미국 영어와 영국 영어 두 버전 제공!

                         CEFR     -                           New Frontiers는 의사소통, 기술 기반, 콘텐츠 기반 학습법 적용을 위해 신중하게
                                                              제작되었습니다. 또한, 학생들이 미래에 성공할 수 있는 기술을 잘 갖출 수 있도록
                                                              21세기에 필요한 기술과 프로젝트 기반 학습 기술을 활용했습니다.
                          대상: 대학 - 성인
                                                              ◆ A1 (Beginner)부터 B2 (Pre-Advanced)까지 명확한 CEFR 기반 학습 목표
                          Units: 10 (12 pages / unit)
                          교재 구성: Student Book, Workbook       ◆ 여러 기술 간의 점진적인 전이
                          홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Transcripts,   ◆ 21세기 기술 및 프로젝트 기반 학습
                          Answer Key, Word Test, Unit Test, TG, ETC  ◆   Task-Based Learning과 Content and Language Integrated Learning
                                                                (CLIL) 교수법
                                                              ◆ 재밌고 창의적인 방법으로 학습을 향상시키는 만화와 애니메이션

                        • New Frontiers Student Book 1                             • New Frontiers Workbook 1

 • Blueprint Workbook 1                                                             Unit  Lesson
                          Unit                                                         A           Scan for Audio
                           1                                                        1    Look at the picture and choose the right sentence.
                                           A  Listening  Aim Identify family members  4    Listen and circle.    1-03  a. She’s my mother.  2.  a. He’s my father. B
                                                                                         b. He’s my brother.
                                                                                         c.  He’s my father.
                          WE’RE A FAMILY   Vocabulary           1. Mary  2. Jack                 b. He’s my mother.
                                                                                                 c.  She’s my aunt. 1    Write the best vocabulary word under the picture.
                                           1    Listen and number.    1-01            3.  a. She’s my grandfather.   1.  2.  3.  4.
                                                                                         b. He’s my father.
                                                                3. Kevin  4. Janet           4.
                                                                                         c.  She’s my uncle.
                                                                                                 a. He’s my grandmother.
                                                                                                 b. She’s my grandfather.
                                                 grandmother  grandfather                        c.  She’s my grandmother. ________________  6.  ________________  7.  ________________  8.  ________________
                                                               Listen Up
                                                               5    Where is Lisa? Listen and number.    1-04  2    Unscramble.
                                                                                     1. sister. / She’s / my    →   _________________________________
                                                                                     2. He’s / brother. / my   →   _________________________________  ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
                                            mother  father  uncle  aunt  uncleuncle  3. my / She’s / aunt.    →   _________________________________
                                                                                     4. my / father. / He’s    →   _________________________________  2    Complete the email. Write one word for each space. Listen and check.    1-01
                                                                 at school  at the park  at home  at the bookstore
                                                                                                    My 1. ____________________ is Stacy. This is my family. My father is a police
                                                               6    Listen again. Circle the words you hear.    1-04  3    Circle the correct words.   2. ____________________. My mother is a 3 . ____________________. I want to be a doctor
                                                                   mother   father   sister   cousin   brother  1. He’s / She’s my brother.  when I grow up, too. I have two brothers. They 4. ____________________ young. My
                                            sister  me  brother  cousin              2. He’s / She’s my uncle.
                                                                                         grandmother           grandfather             aunt            uncle  grandmother 5. ____________________ an artist, but my grandfather doesn’t do anything. I love
                            WHAT YOU WILL DO IN THIS UNIT                            3. He’s / She’s my grandmother.  my family!
                          Scan for Audio                       7    Circle true or false.    1-04  4. He’s / She’s my grandfather.
                            A  Listening  Identify family members  1. Steve is Lisa’s grandfather.   true       false  3    Read again and answer the questions.  4    Look at each picture and write a
                                                                       true       false
                                                               2. Jane is Sam’s sister.
                            B  Reading  Talk about family members’ jobs  Focus  3. Lisa buys a book for her grandmother.   true       false  NOTE 's in Lisa's  means belonging to Lisa.  4    Look at the family tree and circle   1.  What does Stacy’s father do?     sentence.
                                                                       true       false
                                                                                                    a. He’s a police officer.
                                                               4. Jerod is Lisa’s brother.
                           C  Speaking  Ask and answer personal questions  2    Which family member are they talking  1-02  3    Talk with a partner. Ask about   true or false.  Al  Suzanne  b. He’s a doctor.
                                                      the family tree above.
                                            about? Listen and write the word.
                                                                                                    c. He’s an artist.
                           D  Writing  Write about family members  1. __________________________________  1. Betty is Lisa’s cousin.    true  false  George  Peggy  Bob  Amy a. She’s an artist.      _________________________
                                                Look at the photo and answer the questions.
                                                                                                    2.  What does Stacy’s mother do?
                                                                                     2. Amy is Lisa’s uncle.
                                                                                          true  false
                                                1. Who are the people in the picture? Who is he?
                          E  Project  Make a family tree  2. __________________________________  Challenge  1-05  3. Bob is Lisa’s grandfather.   true  false  b. She’s a doctor.
                                                2. Where are they?
                                                               8    Listen and answer the questions.
                                                                                          true  false
                                                                                                    c.  He’s a doctor.
                                                                                     4. Jack is Lisa’s brother.
                                                3. What are they doing?                      Jack  Lisa  Kate  Betty
                                            3. __________________________________   1.  Where are Becky and Steven?   3.  What does Stacy’s grandmother do?
                                                4. What do you do with your family?  He's my brother.  a. at school   b. at the bookstore   c. in the cafeteria  a. She’s a doctor.       _________________________
                                            4. __________________________________                   b. She’s an artist.
                         10                                   11  2.  Who is tall?   4              c.  She’s a police officer.  5
                                            5. __________________________________  Who is she?  a. Becky’s father   b. Becky’s mother   c. Becky’s cousin
                                                                                                    2020-06-02   �� 2:12:01
                        Untitled-1   10  2020-06-02   �� 10:56:21  Untitled-1   11  2020-06-02   �� 10:56:23  3.  Circle true or false.   1 New Frontiers (WB)_��.indd   4  5    What does your mother/father do?
                                            6. __________________________________  a. Steven sees a photo of Becky’s cousin.    true       false   Write a sentence.
                                                        She's my mother.  b. Steven sees a photo of Becky’s mother.   true       false   _________________________
                                                                c. Becky sees a photo of Steven’s dog.   true       false     _________________________________________
                                          12                                  4  13                                 5
                                          Untitled-1   12  2020-06-02   �� 10:56:25  Untitled-1   13  2020-06-02   �� 10:56:26  1 New Frontiers (WB)_��.indd   5  2020-06-02   �� 2:12:06
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