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Expanding Sk
                        Expanding Skills for Listening ills for Listening 1-3
                                                                                                      정가   SB: 15,000원

                                                                  CEFR     -                                               LISTENING

                                                                    대상: 초등 초급 - 초등 중급
                                                                    Units: 12 (6 pages / unit)
                                                                    교재 구성: Student Book, Answer Key + Transcripts + Workbook (수록)
                                                                    홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Word List, Transcripts, Answer Key,
                                                                    Translations, Review Test, Midterm Test, Final Test

                        • Expanding Skills for Listening 1
                         Unit 1  Pet Friends
                                        Listening 1      Listening 2    Listening 3          UNIT TEST  You will hear two short dialogs followed by questions. Choose the best
                                                                              Do You Have a Pet Parrot?ve a Pet Parrot?
                                    Scan and find the tracks.  Diane W Diane Wants a Petants a Pet  My Goldfish is Dirty!  Do You Ha
                                                                                                       Track  answers to the questions.
                           Match the word to its meaning.      Listen and circle the animals Diane encounters.       Listen and mark with an x the kinds of pets Mary doesn’t have.     Listen and write the names of the three animals you hear.  Look at the picture. Listen. Choose the statement that best describes     9.  (a) It is cute.    10.  (a) Go to the pet store
                                                                                                              (b) Feed her dog
                                                                                                         (b) It went to the doctor.
                                        Track            Track          Track            Track  the picture.
                           1  2  3  4   01  1  2  3      03  1  2       04               06              (c) It is sleepy.   (c) Invite a friend
                                                                                            1.  (a)       (b)       (c)       (d)   2.  (a)       (b)       (c)       (d)
                                                                                ___________________      (d) It needs a bath.   (d) Ask her mother
                                                                                ___________________      11.  (a) A parrot   12.  (a) It has beautiful feathers.
                           Goldfish  Bathe  Soap  Kitten                        ___________________      (b) A cat  (b) It is a great present.
                                                                                                              (c) It is very intelligent.
                                                                                                         (c) A goldfish
                                          Cats  Goldfishes  Snakes                                       (d) A hamster  (d) It is very talkative.
                             (a) a bar or liquid used to wash  Turtle  Hamster
                             (b) to wash in a bath
                             (c) a small orange fish  4  5  6  3  4
                             (d) a young cat
                                                                                                        You will hear a dialog followed by questions. Choose the best answers
                                                                                                        to the questions.
                                                                                                       Track 10
                               Choose the best word to complete each sentence.     Listen again. Fill in the missing words.       Listen. Choose the best response.   13.  (a) Take walks   14.  (a) Go for a walk
                                          Parrots  Turtles  Rabbits     Track            Track           (b) Play with toys  (b) Have lunch
                             hope           dirty           loud           need  Goldfish  Cat  04  Do you have a 1________________ hamster or a cat? What about a    07    3.  (a) Yes, on Thursday.  4.  (a) No, David did.  (c) Take baths  (c)  Talk to a friend
                                                                                             (b) Yes, my neighbor has one.     (b)  Sorry, I have to do homework.
                             1.  My kitten needs a bath because it’s ___________________.   parrot? Many people have pet 2________________. They make good         (c)  No, they’re too loud.       (c)  Where did you put the hair brush?  (d) Be with people  (d) Clean a litter box
                                                                                               (d) Yes, it’s right over there.
                                                                                          (d) No, a Chihuahua.
                             2.  Please don’t make ___________________ noises. The kitten is asleep.        Choose the best answer to each question.  pets. They are also very 3________________. Some people think     15.  (a) 3 o’clock
                                                                                                         (b) 4 o’clock
                             3.  I ___________________ to go to the store to buy pet food. I’m out!     1.  What does Diane want to do?  (b) Buy pet food       Listen again. Write T for True and F for False.   parrots are loud, but they can be very 4________________, too. They    (c) 5 o’clock
                                          (a) Feed a pet
                             4.  I ___________________ I get a pet for my birthday!   (c) Buy a pet   (d) Work at a pet store  Track  03  1.   _____ Mary has a pet goldfish.  can also be your 5________________, like hamsters and cats can be.     You will hear two short dialogs followed by questions. Choose the best   (d) 6 o’clock
                                                            2.  _____ Mary is afraid of turtles.
                                           2.  What does Diane think of kittens?         Track  answers to the questions.
                           Match each picture with the correct word.   (a) They are sleepy.   (b) They are big and dirty.       3.  _____ The goldfish is injured.  08  5.  (a) The zoo  6.  (a) A dog
                                          (c) They are too noisy.
                                                          4.  _____ Mary has no soap.
                                               (d) They are very small and quiet.
                                                                                               (b) A goldfish

                                                                                          (b) School
                           1  2  3  4      3.  How does she want her pet to be?    Listen again. You will then hear four statements. Circle True or False.     (c) Grandma’s house     (c) A cat
                                          (a) Loud   (b) Talkative                           (d) The pet store     (d) A parrot
                                          (c) Sleepy   (d) Quiet     Circle the right word based on what you heard.  Track   05  1.  True   False    2.  True   False
                                                            1.  Mary is (feeding / bathing / holding) her goldfish.     3.  True   False    4.  True   False  7.  (a) A cat  8.  (a) It will fly away.
                            l  l  l  l     Listen again. You will then hear four statements. Circle True or False.     2.  Mary thinks her goldfish is (dirty / hungry / unhealthy).     (b) A turtle     (b) It will be loud.
                                                            3.  The soap is (good / bad / healthy) for the fish.     (c) A parrot     (c) It will be messy.
                                        Track  1.  True   False    2.  True   False          (d) A snake     (d) It will be smelly.
                            l  l  l  l    02
                           (a) pet store  (b) dirty  (c) loud  (d) hide     4.  Mary doesn’t want to (keep / hurt / sell) her goldfish.
                                           3.  True   False    4.  True   False
                                    l  Unit 1  l   7  8   l  Unit 1  l   l  Unit 1  l   9  10   l  Unit 1  l   l  Unit 1  l   11  12   l  Unit 1  l
                        Listening Bridge B1.indd   7  2019-10-04      9:48:23  Listening Bridge B1.indd   8  2019-10-04      9:48:24  Listening Bridge B1.indd   9  2019-10-04      9:48:25  Listening Bridge B1.indd   10  2019-10-04      9:48:26  Listening Bridge B1.indd   11  2019-10-04      9:48:28  Listening Bridge B1.indd   12  2019-10-04      9:48:29
                        Activating Skills for Listening ctivating Skills for Listening 1-3
                                                                                                      정가   SB: 15,000원
                                                                  CEFR     -
                                                                   대상: 초등 초급 - 초등 중급
                                                                   Units: 12 (6 pages / unit)
                                                                   교재 구성: Student Book, Answer Key + Transcripts + Workbook (수록)
                                                                   홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Word List, Transcripts, Answer Key,
                                                                   Translations, Review Test, Midterm Test, Final Test
                        • Activating Skills for Listening 2
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