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Compass Children’s Classics는 전 세계의 고전 이야기들을 어린
                        영어 학습자에게 소개하는 60권으로 구성된 리더스입니다. 모든 이야기는 짧은
                        문장, 쉽고 친숙한 말로 재구성했습니다. 각 페이지는 어린이들의 흥미를 끌고
                        영어 도서 읽기를 더 하고 싶게 만들 모던한 삽화들로 구성되어 있습니다.                   대상: 유치원, 초등학교 1-2학년                     RE
                                                                                   단계: 레벨 1 - 레벨 3 (총 60권 시리즈)
                         전 세계에서 온 새로운 이야기와 익숙한 이야기들                               구성: 이야기 책 (Workbook 통합본), 동영상 QR
                         매력적이고 생생한 애니메이션                                          홈페이지 제공:   Answer Key, 무료 Audio File,    ADERS
                         QR 코드로 제공하는 오디오와 동영상                                               Word List, Worksheet
                         교재 내 강조된 핵심 어휘
                         삽화로 설명하는 핵심 어휘 (Glossary)
                         어휘와 이해력 연습을 위한 Workbook 통합본
                         추가 학습을 위한 다운로드 가능한 연습문제지

                                 Student Book     Workbook     Video

                                                                 Student Book

                                   Cast of Characters                     The boy’s father felt sad.   Glossary
                                                                          “Let’s both ride,” he said.

                                                                                                 beside prep.  carry v.  donkey n.
                                   boy   father                                                  next to  to hold and take

                                                                                                   father n.  fool n.
                                     donkey  people    A boy and his father went to the market.          a silly person
                                4                                     5  12                                    21
                                CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   4  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:07  CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   5  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:08  CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   12  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:11  CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   21  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:18
                               Cast of Characters                    Story                         Glossary


                                 Vocabulary        StructureStructure  ComprehensionComprehension  SummarySummary  Book ReviewBook Review
                             Look and match.  Read and trace.   Read and write the words. One word is not used.  Number the pictures in order.  1.  What was your favorite part of the book?
                                                                  people            the            group            They
                                                   “His father should ride.”
                                       group                         He jumped off    donkey.       2. Draw the boy and his father on the donkey.
                                        fool       “His son should ride.”
                                                                     They passed a group of   .
                                       market                                                       3. Did you like this story?
                                                   “They could ride the donkey.”“They could ride the donkey.”
                              a place with                                smiled.
                              a lot of stores  beside
                                                                                                      Yes, I did.  It was okay.  No, I didn’t.
                            24               26                                27  30                             31
                           CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   24  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:23  CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   26  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:27  CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   27  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:28  CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   30  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:32  CCC_L2-2_A Boy, His Father, and Their Donkey(+WB).indd   31  2020-11-13   �� 3:31:34
                                  Levels                 1               2              3                  Video
                               Word Count             100-150           200            250
                              Lexile® Range            130-250       250-320         300-380
                               CEFR Level              Pre-A1        Pre-A1 / A1        A1

                              Family Words              500             500            500               Scan for Preview
                             Number of Books            20              20              20


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