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Talk a Lot 1-3

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                                       친절하게 주어진 예시를 따라 기초부터 탄탄히~

                         CEFR     -                             ◆  성공적인 ‘나만의 의견’ 도출을 위하여, 흥미로운 주제와 상황, 다양한
                                                                  연습 문제로 ‘말하기’ 기회 최대화!
                                                                ◆ 실생활에서 유용한 표현들 및 간단하고 명백한 문법 요소들 소개
                           대상: 중등 고급 - 대학·일반                    ◆ 모델 대화문을 통해 지문 내에서 주요한 표현들을 익히도록 도움
                           Units: 12 (6 pages / unit)
                                                                ◆ 핵심 단어와 표현들을 담고 있는 리스닝을 통하여 다지기 학습
                           교재 구성: Student Book, Transcript (수록)  ◆   ‘Integrated Learning’에서 다른 영역들과 함께 스피킹 스킬을 확장시킬
                           홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Answer Key,       수 있는 학습 기회 제공
                           Review Test, TG

                               Warm-Up               Vocabulary             Listening              Partner Up
                            • Talking About        • Language Focus      • Interview / Survey  • Integrated Learning
                            • Model Dialog
                            • Speaking Success

                        • Talk a Lot 1

                          UNIT  01 Introductions                                                 Integrated Learning
                                                 2  Vocabulary           6  Partner-Up
                                                   A.   Wh-questions are used to   nd out information about a person. Match the questions       A.   Read the job interview below. In pairs, take turns being interviewer and interviewee.       A.   Read the passage below. In groups, take turns reading it aloud.
                                                  below with the correct response.
                                                  1.  What is your name?    •   •  a.  I am nineteen years old.  Dear Martin,
                                                  2.  How old are you?    •   •  b.  I was feeling sick  Interviewer :  Hi, please sit down.  Hello!  My  name  is  Jake.  It’s  nice  to  meet  you!  I
                                                                           Interviewee :  Hello, pleased to meet you.
                                                  3.  When is your birthday?    •   •  c.  My best friend is Sam.  have  never  had  a  pen-pal  before.  I  hope  that  we
                                                  4.  Why did you go home early?  •   •  d.  I live in Texas.  Interviewer :  So, could you tell me a little about yourself?  will be friends for a long time! I guess you want to
                                                                           Interviewee :   Yes, of course. My name is Jack Malden.
                                                  5.  Where do you live?    •   •  e.  I’m Sarah-Jane Roberts.  I’m 21 years old and I live in New York.  know about me, right? Well, I am from England. My
                                                  6.  Who is your best friend?   •   •  f.   It’s July 11 th    Interviewer :   Ok, Jack. Why do you think you are best   birthday is on November 5 th  and I am 19 years old. I
                                                                                                          love playing computer games, and my favorite food
                                                                             for this job?                is  mince  pie!  Mince  pie  is  a  special  dessert  made
                                                     B.   Think of your own questions using Wh- questions.   Interviewee :  Well, I am hard-working and motivated.  from fruits and spices. Have you ever tried it? Please
                                                                                                          write back. I want to know all about you, and France!
                                                  With a partner, ask and answer each other’s questions.   Interviewer :  Do you have any work experience?  Your new friend,
                                                                           Interviewee :   Yes, I was a delivery boy for Pizza Party    Jake Verne
                                        Talking About:  There are seven words we use for Wh-questions:  for two years.
                            Say ‘Hello’ to your classmates.  Introducing ourselves   Who?   What?   Where?   When?   How?   Why?   Which?  Interviewer :   Very good. Thank you Jack, we will be
                                                                             in touch.
                          Warm-Up  Do you like to meet new people?  to new people  What do you like to do in the evenings?   I like reading books.  Interviewee :  Thank you. Goodbye!
                          1  Model Dialog                                                            B.  Answer these comprehension questions. Try to use full sentences.
                            Practice the dialog with a partner.                                   1.  Who wrote this letter?   Jake Verne wrote this letter.
                                                 3  Language Focus                                2.  Where does Martin come from?
                                                                         \                        3.  What does Jake like to do?
                           Simon :  Hello, I’m Simon. It’s nice to meet you.  Grammar ammar   When answering a question, sometimes extra information can be given to the speaker.      B.   With a partner, make more conversations using the given information.  4.  Has Jake had a pen-pal before?
                           Rachel :  Hi, Simon. My name is Rachel. Glad to meet you.   No  How did you get here today?          I took the bus. It took twenty minutes.  5.  What is mince pie made from?
                            Where are you from?                                                   6.  What does Jake hope?
                           Simon :  I’m from Montreal, Canada. I’m here to study history. What       With a partner, ask and answer the questions below. Give one extra piece of information   7.  When is Jake's birthday?
                            about you, Rachel?  Auxiliary verbs are often
                           Rachel :  I’m from Canberra, Australia. I study English literature.  contracted in everyday   each time. Think of your own   nal question.
                           Simon :  That’s interesting. When did you come here?  speech  1.  Why were you late today?    C.   Role Play: Pretend you are a di  erent person, from another country. Your partner will
                           Rachel :  Two years ago. How about you, Simon?  I am = I’m  2.  What did you do on the weekend?  interview you. Tell them all about yourself and your new country!
                           Simon :  I came here last month. Do you have any brothers or sisters?  That is =That’s  3.  How was your lunch?  • Rahul Malik  • Susan Petrova  • Michael Smith  My name is Miguel. I am from Mexico. I like horse riding and playing the guitar.
                                                  4.  Where did you grow up?
                           Rachel :  Yes, I have one sister. She lives with my parents.  • 18   • 25   • 17
                           Simon :  I see. I’m an only child. Oh, my class is about to start! See you   You are = You’re  5.   ?  • Cairo  • St. Petersburg  • Manchester  My name is Christian. I am from Norway. I like riding my bike.
                            later.      We will = We’ll                   • Creative, open-minded  • Diligent, friendly  • Smart, punctual
                           Rachel :  It was nice meeting you, Simon. Have a nice day!    •  Cashier, Super Store,      •  Waitress, La Padella, 1 year    •  Paperboy, News Time,
                                                                          6 months     4 years    D.   Write a letter to your partner’s character. Use Jake’s letter as a guide.
                         2                                        Introductions  UNIT 01  3  6                    IntroductionsIntroductions    UNIT 01  7
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