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SB: 15,000원
                                                                                                    WB: 5,000원
                                                                                                    Readers: 7,500원
                                                                                                    SET (SB + WB + Readers): 24,500원
                                          second        Children’S PhonicS for Reading                    클래스부스터 무료 코드 제공
                                                  S       ounds
                                                        Children’S PhonicS for Reading

                                                                                                     second Edition  Sounds Great Readers  6
                                                                                                       Letter Combinations
                                                                                                              second Edition
                                                                                                   BOOK         Children’S PhonicS for Reading
                                                                                                    Story 1  TiTle
                                                                                                   BOOK  Story 2  The Baby’s Cup  TargeT SOundS  S S ounds
                                                                                                             Sounds Great Readers 6
                                                                                                   1  Story 3  Frog and Girl  a, b, c, d, e, f  oundsGREaT
                                                                                                    Story 4  Molly and Lox  g, h, i, j, k, l m, n, o, p, q, r  second Edition  T
                                                                                                     Run, Zebra, Run
                                                                                                    Story 1
                                                                                                   BOOK  Six Robots  s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
                                                                                                   2  Story 2  A Pet
                                                                                                    Story 3  -ad, -am, -ap, -ag, -an, -at  Readers
                                                                                                   Story 4  Stop the Rats!  -ed, -eg, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -in
                                                                                                    Bug in a Hut
                                                                                                   Story 1  -ip, -it, -ix, -og, -op, -ot, -ox  Letter Combinations
                                                                                                  BOOK  Story 2  Dave the Cop  -ub, -ug, -up, -ud, -un, -ut
                                                                                                   3  Story 3  Mike and His Mom  -ake, -ape, -ave, -ame, -ane, -ate  Letter Combinations
                                                                                                    The Mole’s Hole
                                                                                                   Story 4  Mike’s Mule  -ike, -ime, -ine, -ite, -ide, -ipe, -ire, -ive
                                                                                                   Story 1
                                                                                                  BOOK  Story 2  Frog and Crab  -obe, -one, -ose, -ote, -oke, -ole, -ope, -ore
                                                                                                       -ube, -une, -use, -ule, -ure, -ute
                                                                                                  4  Story 3  A Dragon in a Dress  bl-, cl-, fl-, br-, cr-, fr-
                                                                                                   Story 4  Don’t Blow Away, Kite!  gl-, pl-, sl-, dr-, gr-, pr-, tr-
                                                                                                   Story 1  Ralph and the White Whale  sm-, sn-, st-, sw-, -nt, -nk, -ng, -ck
                                                                                                  BOOK  Story 2  A Day at the Beach
                                                                                                  5    ch-, -ch, sh-, -sh, th-, -th, ph-, -ph, wh-
                                                                                                   Story 3  Where  s My  oy?  -ai-, -ay-, -ea-, -ee-
                                                                                                   Story 4  A Good Day for Tom Owl  -oa-, -ow-, -oi-, -oy-
                                                                                                   Story 1  Not My Purse
                                                                                                  BOOK  Story 2  Paul Loves to Draw  -ou-, -ow-, -oo-  (long), -oo-  (short)
                                                                                                      -ar-, -or-, -er-, -ir-, -ur-
                                                                                                  6  Story 3  A Fair on the Square  -au-, -aw-, -all, -oar-, -oor, -our-
                                                                                                   Story 4  The Knight’s Whistle  -air-, -are, -ear, -ear-, -eer
                                                                                                    Nature Pictures
                                                                                                      kn-, wr-, -mb, rh-, -st-
                                                                                                      -sion, -tion, -sure, -ture, -ful, -ous
                                                                                                                   Free Download
                                           Student Book                                 Workbook & Readers 
                           대상: 유치 - 초등 초급                                •   음가 규칙으로 시작하여, 기초 리딩까지 확장한 탄탄한 파닉스
                           Units: 8 (8 pages / unit)                      반복학습 구조
                           교재 구성: Student Book, Workbook, Readers        •   새로운 삽화, 만화와 챈트 영상으로 시청각 학습 효과와 재미를
                           홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Word List, Transcripts, Syllabus,   동시에 잡을 수 있는 구성
                           Answer Key, Translations, Vocab Practice,
                           Writing Worksheets, Word Test, Unit Test, Midterm Test,   •  각 권 단계별 강력한 쓰기 학습
                           Final Test, TG, Tips & Ideas, ETC             •  업데이트된 다양한 부가자료로 추가 복습
                            Sounds Great Readers 시리즈                                    리더스
                                                                                     최신 개정판
                                                                                     최신 개정판
                            세트 구성  Student Book + Workbook + Readers
                                                                                     2021년 출간
                                                                                     2021년 출간
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                             Student Book에서 배운 음가와 주요 단어로 구성된 스토리
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                                                                                                                     2024. 3. 28.   오후 4:39
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