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Reading Discovery 1-3  Core Nonfiction Reading 1-3

                                                                                                      정가   SB: 16,000원     READING


                                                        대학생에게 꼭 필요한

                                          논픽션 독해 기술의 진수를 학습할 수 있는 교재!

                         CEFR     -        GE   INTRO  B1  B2
                                                6.2 7.2 8.2

                                                                           ◆ 지문과 관련된 어휘와 문법 심화 학습
                           대상: 고등 초급 - 대학 일반
                                                                           ◆ 대학 수준에 알맞은 흥미로운 주제
                           Units: 14 (6 pages / unit)
                           교재 구성: Student Book, Workbook (수록)              ◆ 읽기능력 향상과 말하기, 쓰기와 Note-taking 연습을 동시에!
                           홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Word List, Transcripts, Answer Key,   ◆ 재미있는 시각자료를 통한 깊이 있는 독해
                           Translations, Review Test, Midterm Test, Final Test  ◆ 이해력 활동을 통한 추론 및 사고 능력 향상

                        • Core Nonfiction Reading Student Book 1            • Core Nonfiction Reading Workbook 1

                                                                               UNIT 1  Speed Reading  Check Your Comprehension
                                                                                                  ◆  Circle the correct answer.
                                                                                                       1.  What is the passage about?   Main idea
                                                                               The Ikarian Secret  Track 2
                                                                                                   a. Ikarians eat a secret food that helps them to live longer.
                                                                                                   b.  Many people on Ikaria live long lives, but we don’t really know why.
                                                                                Why do some people live longer than others? Is it the way they eat, sleep, or   c.  The island of Ikaria is the best place in the world to live.
                                                                               exercise? The answer might be found on the island of Ikaria. Ikaria is an island in
                                                                               Greece, and about one in every three people there live to be 90 or older.
                                                                                There are many things on this island that might contribute to longer lives. On
                                                                              5  Ikaria, people get a lot of exercise by walking from place to place. They walk up and      2.    Where is Ikaria?   Inference
                                                                               down hills, breathing the fresh air. Ikarians also have healthier diets. They drink more   a. In Asia
                                                                               tea than coffee, and their teas are grown locally. People also eat lots of vegetables from   b.  In Europe
                                                                               their gardens, and they do not eat much red meat or sugar. One other factor is that   c.  In South America
                                                                               they drink milk from goats instead of cows.
                                                                              10  In general, Ikarians have a relaxed lifestyle. They take naps during the day, and they
                                                                               do not have much stress. Family is also important. The young and old live together.
                                                                               In short, Ikarians exercise, breathe, eat,
                                                                               drink, and live differently than people      3.  Which is true, according to the passage?   Fact
                                                                               in other places. Life on Ikaria sounds   a. Not many Ikarians live past their 90 th  birthday.
                                                                                                   b.  Only one in every three Ikarians gets a lot of exercise.
                                                                              15  perfect.         c.  Many Ikarians live past their 90 th  birthday.
                                                                                However, no one really knows why
                                                                               people on Ikaria live longer than others.
                                                                               Ikarians have bad habits, too. Some
                                                                               of them smoke cigarettes, and others
                                                                              20  drink soft drinks. Maybe there is just one      4.  Which is NOT true about the Ikarian lifestyle?   Negative fact
                                                                               reason why they live longer, or maybe   a. Ikarians eat a lot of red meat.
                                                                               there are many. Someday, scientists   b.  Ikarians drink goat milk.
                                                                               will figure all this out, but for now, the   ▲ Ikaria is an island in Greece.  c.  Ikarians often nap during the day.
                                                                               Ikarians are keeping their secret.
                                                                                WC: 242 / Turn to page 33 of the Workbook to record your reading speed.
                                                                                                     5.  From the reading, it can be inferred that having the young and
                                                                                                   old live together is ___________.   Inference
                                                                                                   a. healthy for everyone
                                                                                                   b.  boring for the younger people
                                                                                                   c.  a rule that must be followed
                                                                                                5  6
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