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Communicating in Business English 1-2

                        Second Edition                                                                 정가   SB: 17,000원



                                                                                      대상: 대학 - 성인
                                                                                      Lessons: 42 (2 pages / lesson)
                                                                                      교재 부록:
                                                                                      Free App, Case Studies, Activity File
                                                                                      홈페이지 제공: Audio File, Transcripts

                             빠르게 변화하는 국제 비즈니스 상황에 맞는 의사소통 기술을 향상

                          Communicating in Business English, Second Edition은 빠르게 변화하는 국제 비즈니스 세계에 발맞춰 의사소통 능력을
                          향상시키고자 하는 영어 학습자들을 위한 두 권의 책 시리즈입니다.

                          ◆ 가상 회의 및 계약 재협상을 포함한 주제를 다루는 새롭게 업데이트된 단원 구성
                          ◆ 단원 주제에 대한 학생들의 배경지식을 활성화하기 위한 새로운 토론 중심의 몸풀기 문제 수록
                          ◆ 배운 어휘, 문장 구조, 상황별 전략을 강화하기 위한 새로운 사례 연구와 의사소통 활동 포함
                          ◆ 각 단원의 핵심 어휘 목록 수록
                          ◆ 공통 비즈니스 언어 구조가 문맥상 어떻게 사용되는지 보여주는 샘플 구, 문장, 대화문 포함
                          ◆ 효과적인 의사소통을 위한 비즈니스 팁과 전략 제공
                          ◆ 추가 연습을 위한 상호작용 가능한 앱 기반의 연습문제 제공
                          ◆ 발음 및 억양 연습을 위한 앱 기반의 음성 인식 기능 제공

                                                                          01 What Makes a Good Call? What Makes a Good Call?
                             CHAPTER  01  Scan for Audio                 Learning   WARM-UP  Fill in the blanks. Listen and check.   Track 1-01
                                                                                               connection                    positive                    result                     device
                                                                                                Are we prepared and ready to go for the conference call this afternoon with the new
                                                                              make phone or video
                                                                                                Yes, we’re all ready.
                                                                              calls at work?
                                                                         •  To learn vocabulary   1.    How often do you   Mark:   customer from Mexico?    in the conference room?
                                                                         for business-related
                                                                                                Did you check the settings on the
                                                                             2.    What basic information
                            English                                      •  To recognize   3.  What are some things   Mark:     Yes, I checked it out. I did a test call to my friend over in HR just to make sure it’s working
                                                                              should you give on a
                                                                              professional call?
                                                                                              well. Everything is set up over in conference room B, which has the best
                                                                         the sequence of
                                                                                              in the office.
                                                                              you should prepare
                                                                         professional calls
                                                                                                       from this call. And this is a new
                                                                                              Great! Thank you. We need a good
                                                                              before a work-related
                            for Calls                                    •  To learn formal &   call?  Mark:   client, so let’s try to keep the discussion a bit more formal.
                                                                                              OK. I’ll do my best to create a
                                                                         informal language
                                                                         related to calls at
                                                                                              Great. Make sure you also take short notes during the call.
                                                                                             Mark:    Right! We don’t want to forget anything after it’s finished.
                                                                                             Linda:   Exactly. OK. I think we’re ready. Thank you for preparing everything.
                                                                         Vocabulary  Call Sequence — A Checklist
                              1   What Makes a Good Call?                NOUNS  Before the call
                                                                         atmosphere    Consider if being more formal or more informal is appropriate.  Circle the word that does not belong in each group.
                              2   Making a Video Call                    connection    Prepare what you want to say.  1.  atmosphere   climate   environment   style
                                                                               Send an email or message before the call if necessary.
                                                                         display             2.  confirm   suggest   check   verify
                              3   Getting Through                        information     Have important information available.   3.  greet   welcome   speak   acknowledge
                                                                               Check the connection, display, and settings on your device.
                              4   Opening a Call                             Beginning the call  4.  brief   short   simple   smart
                                                                         VERBS               5.  room   display   picture   view
                              5   Messages                               confirm    Identify yourself appropriately and clearly.
                                                                               Greet the other party and make some small talk (if culturally appropriate).
                                                                         identify    Give the reason(s) for the call.  PRACTICE
                              6   Structuring a Call                     prepare  During the call
                              7    Transferring Information              ADJECTIVES    Create a positive atmosphere.  Choose the best word to complete each sentence.
                                                                         appropriate    Communicate your objective clearly.  1.  Let’s have some small talk before we    the reason for the call.
                              8    Communication Difficulties            available    Actively listen in order to make sure you understand.      a.  identify        b.  greet         c.  prepare        d.  create
                                                                         positive    Take brief notes to refer back to after the call is finished.  2.  Make sure you check to see what time the customer is    to take your call.
                              9   Calling Back                           ADVERBS  Ending the call  Biz Tip      a.  brief        b.  positive         c.  appropriate        d.  available
                                                                               Check to make sure the other side understands you.
                              10    Making Appointments                  actively appropriately    Confirm the result of the call.  Use formal language   3.  During the call, please make sure you say “please,” “thank you,” and    wait for
                                                                                       with people you
                              11    Complaints  WARM-UP                  clearly culturally    End politely and positively.  interact with for the      the other person to finish talking before you start to speak.  d.  positively
                                                                                       first time. Use informal
                                                                                                 b.  politely
                                                                                                    c.  clearly
                                                                               Review your notes and add appropriate details if needed.
                                                                                             a.  actively
                                                                                       language with people
                              12    Closing a Call  1.    Which method do you most often use for discussions with business partners and   politely positively  you know well.   4.  What  a.  device        b.  connecting        c.  atmosphere       d.  result
                                                                                                  are you going to use to call our partner?

                              13    Calls in Different Cultures  2.  What strategies do you use to make sure your calls are successful?  More Formal  How are you today?  I am calling to discuss...  Could you please repeat   It has been a pleasure.  5.  Do you think it’s more    to be formal or informal during tomorrow’s discussion?
                                               clients? (voice call, video call, instant message, etc.)
                                                                                I am calling to discuss...
                                                                                   Could you please repeat  It has been a pleasure.
                                                                             How are you today?
                                                                          More Formal
                              14    Business Tips for Calls  3.  How do you approach calls with business partners and clients from different   More Informal  How’ How’s it going?s it going?  I wanted to talk about...  I didn’t catch that.  Take care.     a.  positive        b.  appropriate        c.  available       d.  brief
                                                                          More Informal
                                                                                I wanted to talk about... I didn’t catch that.
                                                                                       Take care.
                                                                          6                       Activity File page 100  7
                          CBE 2nd B1.indd   4  2020-11-27   �� 9:52:18  CBE 2nd B1.indd   5  2020-11-27   �� 9:52:19  CBE 2nd B1.indd   6  2020-11-27   �� 9:52:20  CBE 2nd B1.indd   7  2020-11-27   �� 9:52:20
                           CASE STUDY  CHAPTER 01: English for Calls  01  CHAPTER  ACTIVITY FILE  Scan for Audio  Chapter 1   Lesson 3: Activity, pages 10–11
                                Preparation for Cultural Differences
                                                        CHAPTER          01  Chapter 1   Lesson 1: Activity, pages 6–7  Scenario:
                                                                                             Role-play a call between a caller who works for an advertising company and an executive assistant
                                                                                             who works at a company called KS Games. Work with a partner, choose a role, and use the
                            Part  A  Background  Part  C    Compare and Contrast  Scenario:   language learned in the lesson to fill in the tables below.
                                                                           You are the head of the business development division for a large corporation. You are working
                                                                           with a junior colleague to prepare a conference call with an overseas business partner. Write an
                            Understand that there are several important cultural differences that will impact how successfully   Try to find the answers to the questions below. Compare and contrast the culture of your chosen   email with a checklist of tasks you want the junior colleague to prepare before the conference call.  Role A: Executive Assistant   Role B: Caller
                            you are able to communicate on a call. Being aware of the differences and similarities, and knowing   country with the culture of your customers. Write your findings.  Take the call and attempt to transfer the call.   You work for an advertising company and you
                            how to prepare for them, can have a big impact on how productive your calls are. Don’t assume your   Tip   Look at the checklist on p. 6 for an example.  Explain that the head of marketing at your   want to speak to the head of the marketing team
                            clients, colleagues, partners, and others from overseas will know anything about your culture. Be   How   Call center staff: Time is seen as   How is   company is on vacation.  at KS Games to help advertise their new game.
                            proactive and learn about their culture first in order to understand and effectively deal with cultural   an unlimited resource.
                            differences and similarities.  important is   directness         Greet and   Good morning, KS Games.    Greet and
                                              punctuality?  Customers: Time is seen as a   viewed?     Good morning. My name is...
                                                 scarce resource.                            identify   My name is...   identify
                            Part  B  Task
                            Imagine you work for a company that sells goods and services   Is silence   Are  interruptions   Ask about the   Explain the
                            to customers in the US. Management has recently decided   acceptable?
                            to offshore the customer service call center to cut costs. You   acceptable?
                            have been tasked with choosing a suitable country for the        Confirm   Confirm
                            call center and planning a training program that will help the   information and   information
                            new customer service representatives communicate with your   What level   connect
                            customers effectively.  of formality   Other:
                                              is best?
                            Work with a partner. Choose a country from the list and learn    Apology / No   Ask to leave
                            about its culture. Consider which cultural differences could     connection  message
                            lead to miscommunications, mistakes, and misunderstandings   Part  D  Write Training Materials
                            between your customers and customer service representatives.
                                              With a clear understanding of the business communication culture in the country that will host your
                                              new customer service call center, and with an overview of the cultural similarities and differences   Chapter 1   Lesson 4: Activity, pages 12–13
                              Choose a country from the list to offshore your call center to.  between the customer service representatives and your customers, make a rough draft of the training   Chapter 1   Lesson 2: Activity, pages 8–9
                                              materials.                                     Scenario:
                            the Philippines  Spain  Germany  Mexico  Lithuania  Acceptable / Preferable   Unacceptable / Discouraged   Scenario:   The head of sales is messaging a member of the accounting team to get information about changes
                                                                                             to the customer billing process. The sales team needs to know who will pay for domestic and
                                                  Communication Behavior  Communication Behavior  You work for the HR department at a company that is going to start to have employees work
                            India  Canada  Costa Rica   Hungry  Chile      from home. Make a best practices guide for employees about how to use Zoom for work-related   international shipping fees—the company or the customer. Complete the conversation below.
                                                   ork quickly. Apologize if something
                                              Punctuality & time:  takes time. Offer to call back if it   discussions. Review the steps and use the language learned in the lesson to write the guide.
                            Poland  China  Malaysia  Colombia  Your choice:  takes longer than 1 minute.   Ask for information
                                                                           Create an account  Be sure to use a professional, secure email address: not a private one.
                            Ireland  Romania  Brazil  France                                         I  ould like to kno  more about...
                                              Level of formality:                             Reply and send documents
                            Work with a partner. Do research about the business communication culture of the country you choose.   Schedule the call
                            Preview the questions in Part  C  and write notes.  Directness,
                                              interruptions, & silence:
                             Notes:                                        Share the call link          Ask further questions
                             • They tend to think of time as an unlimited resource.   Other:
                                                                           Make the call      Answer questions
                                              Part  E  Role-Play Discussion
                                              Work with a new partner. Compare and discuss the training materials you prepared in Part  D . Assign   Use the host tools
                                              each person a role as either a customer service representative or a customer. Role-play a customer
                                              complaint call following the directions in the training materials above.
                                              Tip   Review appropriate language for complaints on p. 26.
                           34                                 35         100                                101
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