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Quattro Grammar Master


       2-1 ?먮룞?ш? ?덈뒗 臾몄옣 (紐⑹쟻?닿? ?꾩슂 ?놁쓬)

      1 1?뺤떇: 二쇱뼱(S) + ?꾩쟾?먮룞??V)
         Mia works too hard. (too hard???숈궗 works瑜??섏떇?섎뒗 遺€?ш뎄) 誘몄븘???덈Т ?댁떖???쇳븳??
         The flight departs every Tuesday at 11 a.m. ??鍮꾪뻾湲곕뒗 留ㅼ< ?붿슂???ㅼ쟾 11?쒖뿉 異쒕컻?쒕떎.
         It doesn?셳 snow in the South. (in the South???μ냼瑜??섑??대뒗 遺€?ш뎄) ?⑤??먮뒗 ?덉씠 ?ㅼ? ?딅뒗??
         There were some problems with the schedule. (There??臾몄옣???대걚???좊룄遺€?ъ씠硫? some problems媛€ 二쇱뼱)

              ?쇱젙??紐?媛€吏€ 臾몄젣媛€ ?덉뿀?듬땲??

      2 2?뺤떇: 二쇱뼱(S) + 遺덉셿?꾩옄?숈궗(V) + 二쇨꺽蹂댁뼱(SC)
         1> Be ?숈궗瑜?鍮꾨’???곹깭?숈궗: be, stay, keep, sit, stand, remain ??              Lynette is very ambitious. 由щ꽬?€ 留ㅼ슦 ?쇱떖?곸씠??
              It was overcast and warm yesterday. (It?€ ?좎뵪瑜??섑??대뒗 鍮꾩씤移?二쇱뼱) ?댁젣???좎씠 ?먮━怨??곕쑜?덈떎.
              Brian remained furious despite my apology. 釉뚮씪?댁뼵?€ ?섏쓽 ?ш낵?먮룄 遺덇뎄?섍퀬 怨꾩냽 ?붾? ?덈떎.
              I stay healthy by eating sensibly and walking every day. ?€??遺꾨퀎 ?덇쾶 癒밴퀬 留ㅼ씪 嫄몄뼱??嫄닿컯???좎??댁슂.

         2> 媛먭컖?숈궗: look, sound, smell, taste, feel, seem, appear ??              You look even nicer than usual tonight. ?ㅻ뒛諛ㅼ? ?됱냼蹂대떎 ?⑥뵮 ??醫뗭븘 蹂댁씠?ㅼ슂.
              This shirt still feels damp from the wash. ???붿툩???명긽???댁꽌 ?꾩쭅 異뺤텞???먮굦?대떎.
              It seemed odd that Anne didn?셳 speak to anyone all day. (It?€ that ?덉쓣 ?€?좏븯??媛€二쇱뼱)

                      ?ㅼ씠 ?섎( 醫낆씪 ?꾨Т?먭쾶??留먰븯吏€ ?딆? 寃껋? ?댁긽??蹂댁???

         3> Become???숈궗: become, get, turn, run, grow ??              Gary became a father at age 27. 媛쒕━??27?몄쓽 ?섏씠???꾨쾭吏€媛€ ?섏뿀??
              Irina?셲 face turned white when she got the bad news. ?대━?섏쓽 ?쇨뎬?€ 醫뗭? ?딆? ?뚯떇???j퀬 ?쇨뎬?됱씠 ?섏뼏寃?蹂€?덈떎.
              My two-year-old brother never gets tired of playing. ???댁쭨由????숈깮?€ ?몃뒗 寃껋쓣 寃곗퐫 吏€寃⑥썙?섏? ?딅뒗??
              The dog has grown fat because you overfeed him. 洹?媛쒕뒗 ?ㅺ? ?덈Т 留롮씠 癒뱀뿬???깅슧?댁죱??

Pop Quiz

A. ?ㅼ쓬 臾몄옣???숈궗瑜?李얠븘 諛묒쨪??湲뗪퀬, 臾몄옣??紐??뺤떇???대떦?섎뒗吏€ ?곗떆??

1. Does this water taste strange to you?                            (  )
2. The grass grows fast in the summer.                              (  )
3. Few buildings remained after the huge fire.                      (  )
4. I felt stressed out during exam week.                            (  )

B. 愿꾪샇 ?덉쓽 ?⑥뼱 以??뚮쭪?€ 寃껋쓣 怨좊Ⅴ?쒖삤.

     1. Mr. Trent waited (impatient / impatiently) in line.
     2. Prices at this boutique run (high / highly).
     3. Sunmi always stays (calm / calmly) in a crisis.
     4. The man was looking (nervous / nervously) around the room.

                                                                          臾몄옣??醫낅쪟?€ 臾몄옣 5?뺤떇 15
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